When Rest Seems Impossible: You Don’t Need a Vacation to Find Rest

Rest has very little to do with circumstances. So often I hear different people talk about how supremely busy life is, how hard their days are, and how desperately they need rest. Yes, a cabin in the mountains is fantastic for a break from the monotony of daily life, and physical rest is important. But no external situation will do any … Continue reading When Rest Seems Impossible: You Don’t Need a Vacation to Find Rest

Playdate Prep

Tomorrow I'm hosting a play date for anywhere between 3 and 17 kids. I do love an open invitation, but I might regret the idea by tomorrow afternoon. And like all logical people who has a baby who rarely naps, two kids who are now home from school and being creative all over the living … Continue reading Playdate Prep

Why “I don’t have” is a lie

Kids brushing teeth makes me crazy. collage-2016-04-01-12_15_06.jpg.jpeg There are so many parts of the whole teeth-brushing process that make me crazy, I don't even know if I can go into it without losing whatever good place I had in my heart when I sat down to tell you about it. But for the sake of the whole point, I'll tell you about it. If you have small kids, I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about, but if you don't, let me break it down for you. First, brushing teeth is apparently a form of torment made bearable by bubblegum flavored goo. The resistance to the act of brushing teeth is akin to what I imagine the reluctance one may have if she is being marched into a churning sea by walking the plank. Repeat twice daily.


I'm not good at asking questions. I think it stems from being an oldest child. I like knowing everything, and if I don't know everything, it seemed better to pretend I knew, and figure it out as I went along, rather than appearing to be slightly less competent. I'm good at pretending I know stuff. … Continue reading Questions