7 Life Skills Your Preschooler Needs Before Starting School – FREE download

From the wave goodbye in the morning to the big hug at pickup, your children are navigating the world of preschool without your watchful eye. In the days and weeks ahead of starting preschool, there are ways you can build your child's confidence--and relieve some of your fears, too. Preschool teachers only have two hands … Continue reading 7 Life Skills Your Preschooler Needs Before Starting School – FREE download

Discipline with Gentleness – How Relying on God’s Kindness Can Transform Our Children

Lately I have taken to listening to the Bible app on my phone. (Reading a "real Bible" is tricky with a toddler. Who knew?) I was recently sweeping the kitchen while listening to Galatians, and I heard it as though God himself was teaching me how to discipline my children--with gentleness. You know how your … Continue reading Discipline with Gentleness – How Relying on God’s Kindness Can Transform Our Children