Letters to a First Time Mom

Being a first-time mom to a newborn is amazing. And hard. And different for everyone, so though the experienced moms and grandparents and random strangers at the store are well-meaning, there is no one-size-fits-all advice for new moms.

letters to first time mom
What do you wish you knew when you first became a mom?

But when you’re there in the trenches it is comforting to know that other women have been just as green as you are, and that they have lived to tell the tale. I would like to share some of the things I’ve learned, not as advice so much as saying, “here’s what I learned.”

I’m here to say that I see you and I know the struggle. I don’t have tips for how to get your baby to sleep or eat (though I can send you links), but I can offer some things I learned that helped me cope with the variables.


You might have noticed that I have been MIA for almost a year. That’s because we have a new baby! She is perfect.

When I’m pregnant I only have the energy and brain power to do a certain number of things, and it was wise to use that to take care of my family rather than write. Anyway, now that Chen baby 4.0 is out and taking naps and doesn’t crawl yet, I am eager to share what I wish I knew when I did this before as a brand new mom.

Some of the topics I will cover are just plain practical help, confronting negative attitudes, and some research I did on post partum hormones that was quite literally life-giving for me.

What are some things you wish you knew when you were a first-time mom? Are you about to be a first time mom? What are some things you want to know? Ask away in the comments section!

Series Post # 1 – Dealing with Postpartum Hormones

Series Post #2 – Don’t Stir Resentment Into Your Coffee

Series Post # 3 – When You Feel Like You Are Not Enough

Bonus just for fun – Holy Hair Loss, Batman!

One thought on “Letters to a First Time Mom

  1. Pingback: Letters to a First Time Mom - Things I Didn't Know • Verities and Vanities

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