Letters to a First-Time Mom – When You Feel Like You’re Not Enough

Here you are with a baby. There's a steep learning curve and you're figuring it out on the job, with less sleep than ever. It is easy to feel like you're drowning. It's easy to think you're failing. And it's easy to feel you're not enough. But I want you to remember you're doing the … Continue reading Letters to a First-Time Mom – When You Feel Like You’re Not Enough

Letters to a First Time Mom – Dealing with Postpartum Hormones

This spring I had my fourth baby. She's fantastic. But after my first and second babies, I struggled immensely with the feeling that my postpartum hormones and emotions were completely out of control and I had no idea what to expect. To be honest, they controlled me. So before I had my third, I did … Continue reading Letters to a First Time Mom – Dealing with Postpartum Hormones

Discipline with Gentleness – How Relying on God’s Kindness Can Transform Our Children

Lately I have taken to listening to the Bible app on my phone. (Reading a "real Bible" is tricky with a toddler. Who knew?) I was recently sweeping the kitchen while listening to Galatians, and I heard it as though God himself was teaching me how to discipline my children--with gentleness. You know how your … Continue reading Discipline with Gentleness – How Relying on God’s Kindness Can Transform Our Children