Why We Withdrew our Kids to Homeschool in 2020-2021

Yep. We're homeschooling this year. Like the 'withdrawing the kids, buying textbooks, and going to Homeschool Day at Six Flags' kind of homeschooling.

This was not my plan. But we chose to homeschool because it seemed like the most faith-filled response.

The Fruit of Pruning

Pruning is a careful but severe act. A branch that is pruned does not look the same. The branches that are pruned sometimes look hopelessly dead--for a time. The gardener doesn't only cut stems of the branch that are unhealthy but ones that are perfectly good. These cuts are not to harm the branch but … Continue reading The Fruit of Pruning

The Gift of Tension

Christians are a people of contradiction: Rejoicing but mourning, satisfied but empty, strengthened but weak, righteous but sinning.  In faith we hold an impossible tension between the now and the not yet,Citizens of a kingdom united, yet fractured,and so preeminent that it can hold all the pieces.  We worship beside people who often think and vote differently. Can we still … Continue reading The Gift of Tension